In four more days when we go home for winter break Ben will return to the North Pole to live with Santa until next year. We'll miss Ben!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Our Elf, Ben
In four more days when we go home for winter break Ben will return to the North Pole to live with Santa until next year. We'll miss Ben!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Reflex Math
Here's a fun website that will help you improve your math fluency. Fluency, just like in reading, means doing something with ease. So in math it means that you can add and subtract numbers easily, without using your fingers, drawing pictures, or really having to think about it. Just like when you were little and learned to walk, now you don't even have to think about how to put one foot in front of the other!
Go to Reflex Math and click on the launch button in the upper right corner. Type in the username: lipsky and then click on your name. Everyone's password is abc123. Here's an example of when it is teaching you about addition and subtraction fact families.

Sunday, November 20, 2011
What are you thankful for?
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your families and friends. Get some rest, do some reading, and come back next week ready to work. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Life Science

Friday, November 4, 2011
Amber Brown is Not a Crayon

Click here to play a matching game with the vocabulary words from the book.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Help people and practice your multiplication!
Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Suppose you were walking on the field at PE and found an organism on the ground. Being curious you wondered what it was. You noticed it had no fur and no legs. What prediction could you make? Why? What other information would you need to know exactly what the organism was?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
World's Smallest Monkey

Monday, September 26, 2011
Question of the Week
We are going to start a new tradition on our blog called "Question of the Week." Each week I'll post a question that's just for fun. When you have free time at home or if you come in early you can answer the question.
This week I am wondering, do you have any pets?
Right now I don't. When I was little I had two cats, Pepsi and Smokey. Then we had a rabbit, named Cassidy. Now my parents have a dog, Rowdy who I love to visit in Jacksonville.
Monday, September 12, 2011
What does it mean to be respectful?
Directions: Watch the video again. Choose ONE of the questions below. Then comment with your answer. If there's extra time you can answer another question. Be a STAR!
1. What does it mean to be respectful?
2. How can you show respect at school?
3. How can you show respect outside of school?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Happy Summer!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Advice to Future Students
- Do your homework. -Laverne
- Make sure you read a lot of books and practice your math facts. -Keelin
- Pay attention in class and don't mess around. -Amir
- Do everything that you have to do to be good in school. -Tyler
- Turn in all your homework. -Todarias
- Don't lack in study. -Emery
- Stop and think!! -Morgan
- Don't talk during tests. -Johnnie and Fernando
- Don't talk while the teacher is talking. -D'halani
- Do not lie. -Jett
- Always try your best on the FCAT! -Aaron
- Raise your hand. -Morgan
- Follow the class and school rules. -Tyler
- Don't interrupt the teacher. -Emery
- Keep Ms. Lipsky happy. :) -Keelin
Here is a list of books and 3rd grade things we enjoyed and you will too!
- Charlotte's Web
- Flat Stanley
- Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
- Amber Brown is Not a Crayon
- The Giving Tree
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series
- Time Capsules
- Just Kidding (a book on bullies)
- The Greedy Triangle
- The Bailey School Kids
- LIFE: Plants
- Magic School Bus
- Too Good for Drugs and Natural High
- and
- Runny Babbit
- German Pen Pals
We had a great year!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Reflecting on Charlotte's Web
Sunday, June 5, 2011
End of the Year Slideshow
It's been a great year. We learned a lot and had fun while we were at it. What's one of your favorite memories from third grade?
Have a fabulous summer! Read, read, read! I'll see you around the halls next year kiddos!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Cursive Handwriting

Flat Joe visits Chicago, Illinois
Yesterday, Flat Joe and I went to Chicago, which is a big city in Illinois. Can you find it on the map? I’ll give you a hint, it’s next to a really big lake!

Do you know what Chicago’s nickname is? It’s the Windy City, and I bet you can guess why! The whole time Flat Joe and I were there, it was cold and VERY windy. I had to hold on tight to Flat Joe so he wouldn’t blow away!

There are a lot of cool things to see in Chicago, and they have a lot of sports teams too. Chicago is also famous for their pizza, so guess what Flat Joe and I had for dinner! It was so yummy, I really want to go back and have some more! What do you like on your pizza? I like pepperoni, black olives, and mushrooms, but Flat Joe likes anchovies, pickles, and peanut butter on his pizza—gross!

Joe and Flat Joe
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Third Grade Field Day

Tell us, what was your favorite field day event? Why?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Charlotte's Web Novel Study- chapters 10 - 15
We have read 6 more chapters of Charlotte's Web. Comment with a brief summary (5-8 sentences) about what's happened in the last 6 chapters.
Skim over the chapters by reading their titles, looking at the illustrations and remembering what they were about. Then comment with your summary.
How to Eat Fried Worms
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Charlotte's Web Novel Study- chapters 6 - 9

In Chapter 6, Summer Days, Fern is out of school and visits the farm daily. One day the goslings hatch. Templeton notices that one egg did not hatch. The goose and gander allow Templeton to keep the egg in his collection of weird things. Templeton rolls the dud away into his lair.
In Chapter 7, Bad News, the grouchy sheep tells Wilbur that he will be the Christmas ham once winter comes. Wilbur becomes very upset, but Charlotte tells him that she has a plan and he will not die.
In Chapter 8, A Talk at Home, Fern's parents grow worried about the amount of time she spends at the Zuckerman's farm. When she tells her parents about the conversations the animals have and about Charlotte the spider her mom becomes increasingly nervous. Fern's father however, thinks she just has an active imagination.
In Chapter 9, Wilbur's Boast, Wilbur attempts to spin a web by jumping off the manure pile with a piece of string tied to his tale. Of course he is unable to spin a web, as Charlotte explains, he lacks spinerettes.
Comment with your answers to the following questions. Type complete sentences. (Remember to capitalize and punctuate!)
1. In chapter 6, how many goslings were born? (Right There question)
2. List two character traits for Wilbur. Use story details to explain why these traits are appropriate.
3. List two character traits for Charlotte. Use story details to explain why these traits are appropriate.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Go Green!
Charlotte's Web Novel Study- chapters 4 and 5

In chapter five Wilbur wakes up early. He had a mostly sleepless night because of the excitement of a new friend. The next day he discovers his new friend is Charlotte, the spider that lives in the corner of the doorway. He learns how Charlotte eats bugs that have gotten stuck in her web. She wraps them up with threads of silk and then bites to knock them out. Wilbur feels woozy from the idea of sucking blood from a bug for a meal, but is glad to have a new friend.
After reading the summaries above comment with your answers to the following questions. Type complete sentences.
1. The words friendless and sleepless have the same suffix –less. What does this suffix mean?
2. Reread pages 28-29. Put the characters that Wilbur asks to play with in order from first to last.
3. In chapter five Charlotte speaks to Wilbur and begins by saying, “Salutations!” What does salutations mean?
4. How does Wilbur’s mood change from the beginning of chapter four to the end of chapter five? Use story details in your answer.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Charlotte's Web Novel Study, chapter 2 and 3
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Charlotte's Web Novel Study, chapter 1
Comment with your answers to the following questions. Type your answers in complete sentences.
1. How did Fern find out that her father was going to kill the pig?
2. What example did Fern give her father to prove that killing the pig was an injustice?
3. Why did Fern answer "Wilbur" when the teacher asked her a question?
4. List and explain two character traits that describe Fern.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Field Trip to the Kirby Smith Center
We had a great time! What was your favorite part?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Earth Day!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mmm mmm rutabaga!
We are Gardeners!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Meet the Real Joe
Monday, February 7, 2011
Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
After we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we learned poems that tell about his life.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Field Trip to the Thomas Center

On Thursday, we visited the Historic Thomas Center to learn more about the history of Gainesville. Construction began on the Thomas Center in 1906 and was completed in 1910. It was named "Sunkist Villa" and Major Thomas and his family moved in on February 9, 1910. On that day the youngest of the five Thomas children, Margaret, was born.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Flat Joe visits Macon, Georgia
Hi, Ms. Lipsky’s class!
Yesterday, Flat Joe and I went to Macon, Georgia! Macon is actually not too far from Gainesville, about a four-hour drive. Flat Joe and I both really wanted to come down to visit you all, but we didn’t have time in our schedule, sorry!
Macon is a great town, and the weather was beautiful! Unfortunately, I was sick during this trip, but Flat Joe made me take him around the town, at least a little bit. We saw their cool downtown area, and Macon City Hall. City Hall is where the town or city takes care of all the work that goes in to running itself. Every city has one, but Macon’s is an especially nice building. Do you know where the Gainesville City Hall is? Can you name some of the work that gets taken care of at a City Hall?
After a while, I had to go drink a lot of orange juice and take a nap, because that is the best way to make yourself feel better when you are sick. While I was sleeping, Flat Joe got into some mischief—he took my walkie-talkie and started calling people on it! Flat Joe can be so silly sometimes.
Even though I was sick, Flat Joe and I still had a good time in Macon. You should visit it sometime too!
Best wishes,
Joe and Flat Joe
Monday, January 10, 2011
Flat Joe visit Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Hey class!
Today, Flat Joe and I went all the way up to New Hampshire! We visited a nice little town called Portsmouth. Portsmouth is a town that’s next to a river, and on the other side of the river is the state of Maine. Can you find New Hampshire and Maine on the map?
New Hampshire and Maine are part of what is called “New England”. Way back in time, even before George Washington was around, the English came to this part of the country and settled it. That’s why they called it New England. Because it is so old, the buildings are really old too, much older than most of the buildings in Gainesville.
Anyway, it gets cold in New Hampshire! Flat Joe and I walked around to see all the old buildings and look at the water, it was all very pretty. But then it got cold, so we went back inside and warmed up.
It was fun visiting New Hampshire, but Flat Joe and I decided if we ever go back, it will be during the summer!
Take care,
Joe and Flat Joe