In Chapter 6, Summer Days, Fern is out of school and visits the farm daily. One day the goslings hatch. Templeton notices that one egg did not hatch. The goose and gander allow Templeton to keep the egg in his collection of weird things. Templeton rolls the dud away into his lair.
In Chapter 7, Bad News, the grouchy sheep tells Wilbur that he will be the Christmas ham once winter comes. Wilbur becomes very upset, but Charlotte tells him that she has a plan and he will not die.
In Chapter 8, A Talk at Home, Fern's parents grow worried about the amount of time she spends at the Zuckerman's farm. When she tells her parents about the conversations the animals have and about Charlotte the spider her mom becomes increasingly nervous. Fern's father however, thinks she just has an active imagination.
In Chapter 9, Wilbur's Boast, Wilbur attempts to spin a web by jumping off the manure pile with a piece of string tied to his tale. Of course he is unable to spin a web, as Charlotte explains, he lacks spinerettes.
Comment with your answers to the following questions. Type complete sentences. (Remember to capitalize and punctuate!)
1. In chapter 6, how many goslings were born? (Right There question)
2. List two character traits for Wilbur. Use story details to explain why these traits are appropriate.
3. List two character traits for Charlotte. Use story details to explain why these traits are appropriate.
1.She hade 7 goslings she was having 8 but one just didnt hatch templeton wanted it he tock it every one looked at him in a nasty look i agree it is preety nasty.
2.Wilbur is happy because he has a nice friend like charlotte she is a spider and Wilbur got sad because an old lamb told him around chrismas time they will kill him he starts to cry but charlotte said stop your crying i will help save you.
3.Charllote is kind because she is a good friend to Wilbur she is also very sweet because she is wiling to save Wilbur by Morgan by by see you later.
1. The goose had 7 baby but templeton took one of the eggs.
2.wilbur is happy because he has a best friend. wilbur is sad because he is going to get cook .
3.charlott is a nice spider BECAuese she not going let wilber die.brave because love wilbur
1.she had 7 goslings 2.he's happy becuase he has a new freind and he was sad beacause he was lonesome and had no friends 3.she was mostly happy
1.She had eight eggs but only seven hatched the eighth one did'nt hatch it was a dud
2. I think he is cireus because he wants to learn a lot about chaolott and because he is trying to learn more about the barn every since he moved into the barn and a wanna be because he wants to be like charlotte
3. I think charlotte is caring because she cares about wilbur and loving because she loves wilbur
1. There were 8 eggs, but only 7eggs hatchout of the eggs.
2. Wilbur is silly becuase he tries to spin a web. Also Wilbur is a curios pig becuase he askes a lot questions to Chalotte and everyone else.
3. Charlotte is a intelegent spider because she has very good instincs. Got to go!
1. 7
2.Curios because he asks a lot of questions and he likes to play because he always asks could everyone play.
1. There were seven goslings born in chapter 6 from the mother goose.
2. Wilbur is a little pig.He is a seat and kind little baby pig.
1. 8 goslings were born but one did not.
2. Wilber is Kind,Sad,Friendly.WHY?Because he is sad that he will die.He is kind and friendly because he has a friend and cause fern saved him.
3.Charlotte is a good Friend,Nice,Helpful,Kind.WHY?Because she is a good fiend because she wanted to be wilber friend.She is nice because she really plays with WILBER. She is helpful because she will save wilber.
1.Seven goslings were born.
2.I think Wilbur is friendly and hopeful because even though his friend sucks blood he's still friends with her and when he tries to build a web he doesn't give up.
3.I think Charlotte is helpful and friendly because she says that she'll save him at Cristmast time and that she'll be friends with Wilbur.
1. There were seven goslings were born.
1.There were seven goslings born.
2.Wilbur feels lonley and sad because no one wont play with him.
3.Charlotte is being helpful and she wants to be wilburs friend.
1. 7.
2. smart because he said that nothing is less than zero and that is right. And funny because spiders can spin webs, but pigs can't.
3. charlotte saved wilburs life because she didn't him to die. and she didn't want him to be alone because that was his new friend.
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