On Thursday, we visited the Historic Thomas Center to learn more about the history of Gainesville. Construction began on the Thomas Center in 1906 and was completed in 1910. It was named "Sunkist Villa" and Major Thomas and his family moved in on February 9, 1910. On that day the youngest of the five Thomas children, Margaret, was born.
The Thomas family made Sunkist Villa their home for 15 years. The large estate had 21 rooms and 12 fireplaces all made from terra cotta. We saw five of the fireplaces while we were there. In the 1920s Major Thomas decided to convert the home into a hotel. They added on another building, creating 94 guest rooms, three dining rooms, and four lounges for guests to enjoy.
The Thomas family sold the property in 1968, and its new owners leased it to Santa Fe Community College for seven years. The city of Gainesville purchased it in 1974 and it now houses art galleries, and government offices.
When we toured the Thomas Center the docent told us the stories that Margaret Thomas had told her about growing up there. We saw an example of a 1920s living room, and got to hear a record play on a phonograph. We saw a replica, or a copy, of Major Thomas's bedroom. We had to be careful walking around the Thomas Center because it had many antiques, such as an old telephone, typewriter, camera, binoculars, and piano.
Due to stormy weather we didn't get to go on a walking tour of the surrounding neighborhood, however the weather didn't rain on our parade. We walked around the art galleries inside. And the boys got to try on collars, bow ties, and arm bands, and the girls enjoyed fanning themselves, wearing necklaces, and clutching hand bags.

After reading about our field trip comment with your answers to the following questions:
(Remember to go back and reread parts of the story to search for answers.)
1. What was the original name of the Thomas Center?
2. When was Margaret Thomas born?
3. How did the Thomas home change when it became a hotel?
4. What happened AFTER the Thomas Center was a hotel, but BEFORE it became a building with art galleries and government offices?
5. Why did we have to be careful while walking around the Thomas Center?
6. Read this sentence from the passage, "Due to stormy weather we didn't get to go on a walking tour of the surrounding neighborhood, however the weather didn't rain on our parade." What does rain on our parade mean?
Hay Ms.Lipsky,and friends,
my piano came from the Tomus center.Its really cool!!!
How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!
1.sunkist villa
2.February 9 , 1910
3.An extra building
4.The thomas family sold it to santa fe community college
5.Because there was lots of antiques
6.It din't rain on the fun stuff we did inside
1.Sunkist villa.2.1910.3.Thay made the hotel.4.It was a santa fe community college.5.It might be dageras.
1.sunskit villa
2.Feb 9,1920
3.They added guest rooms
4.They sold it.
5.It was very old stuff inside
6.It didnt get in our way
1.sunkist villa
2.feb 9 1910
3. because it had 94 room s
4.stant fe college
5.so we don't knot no picher
1.sunkist villa
2.feb 9 1910
4.the thomas family made sunkist villa there home
5.because they had storms
1. sun kist villa
2.fubuary9 1910
3.the belt 94 gust rooms
4. it was a home
5. becuase there were lots of vaubul stuff
6. rain hard
1.historic thomas center.
2.february 9,
3.they add a nother buiding
4.it was a house
5.the stuff was old and it could break
6.we had a parad and it rained
got to go
1.historic thomos center
3.they add another building
4.sorry got to go
1.Sunkist Villa
2.February 9,1910
3.It was all made of terra cotta there were 21 rooms and 12 fire places
4.Major Thomas made it into a for poeple
5.They were antics and could be broken
sorry i have to go
1. The sunkist villa
2.February sorry got to go
2.feubery 9,1910
3.there was 94 rooms
5.because there was real things in there
6.that we could not go on the wacing trip
3.it became 94 rooms
.got to go
1.sunkist villa
2.February 9, 1910
3.there was 94 rooms
4.now house art gall
got to go
Hey ms.lipsky I'm leaving today to go to Tampa for a cheerleading compition.Wish me luck
Good luck Jada!! I know you'll do great. Have fun at the fair too!
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