In chapter four Wilbur wallows in his loneliness all day. It is rainy on the farm, which ruins his plans of digging a hole and napping in the sun. He asks different animals to play with him, but they all turn him down and he is left feeling friendless. Before bedtime a tiny voice says to Wilbur, “I’ll be a friend to you. I’ve watched you all day and I like you.” Wilbur goes to sleep dreaming of his new friend.
In chapter five Wilbur wakes up early. He had a mostly sleepless night because of the excitement of a new friend. The next day he discovers his new friend is Charlotte, the spider that lives in the corner of the doorway. He learns how Charlotte eats bugs that have gotten stuck in her web. She wraps them up with threads of silk and then bites to knock them out. Wilbur feels woozy from the idea of sucking blood from a bug for a meal, but is glad to have a new friend.
After reading the summaries above comment with your answers to the following questions. Type complete sentences.
1. The words friendless and sleepless have the same suffix –less. What does this suffix mean?
2. Reread pages 28-29. Put the characters that Wilbur asks to play with in order from first to last.
3. In chapter five Charlotte speaks to Wilbur and begins by saying, “Salutations!” What does salutations mean?
4. How does Wilbur’s mood change from the beginning of chapter four to the end of chapter five? Use story details in your answer.
In chapter five Wilbur wakes up early. He had a mostly sleepless night because of the excitement of a new friend. The next day he discovers his new friend is Charlotte, the spider that lives in the corner of the doorway. He learns how Charlotte eats bugs that have gotten stuck in her web. She wraps them up with threads of silk and then bites to knock them out. Wilbur feels woozy from the idea of sucking blood from a bug for a meal, but is glad to have a new friend.
After reading the summaries above comment with your answers to the following questions. Type complete sentences.
1. The words friendless and sleepless have the same suffix –less. What does this suffix mean?
2. Reread pages 28-29. Put the characters that Wilbur asks to play with in order from first to last.
3. In chapter five Charlotte speaks to Wilbur and begins by saying, “Salutations!” What does salutations mean?
4. How does Wilbur’s mood change from the beginning of chapter four to the end of chapter five? Use story details in your answer.
1.less of some thing
2.gosse, lame and templeton
3. it is a greeting
4.loneney and sad
1.They have less of it
2.The goose, one of the lambs, Templeton
3. Salutations are greetings
4. In the begining of chapter four wilbur feels sad and at the end of chapter five he fells happy because he has him a friend
1. With out something.
2. First wilber asks the goose, thyen the lamb,last he asks tempiltin to play with him.
3. For charlotte it means hi or hello in a fansy way.
4. Happy beacuase he has a new friend,but discusted a little becuasehis friend drinks blood.
1.something that you dont have.
2.He asked the goose,then he asked the lambs,then it was templeton
4.Becuase Charlotte isnt like he thout she was.
1 with out friends.
2 goose,lamb,tepleton.
3 hello.
4 Wilber felt sad because he didn't have any friends.
1. Friendless means that he doesnt have no friends and sleepless means that he didnt get much sleep so he is very tiered.
2.Wilbur asked the goose she could not play because the goos had to keep the gooslings toasty oasty warm he also asked the lamb and the lamb said certainly not, and then they got in a fight that didnt make no seens.
3.salutions mean planes
4. sad then happy because he has a friend from morgan by by
1.friendless mean you don't have many friends andsleepless mean you don't get much sleep.
2.he asked the goose,then the lambs,and templeton.
3.saluations it means plans like what you will do
4.he is loneliness and at the end of capter five he is a little happy
1. It means to not have much of.
2. First he asked the goose then he asked one of the lambs and last he asked Templten.
3.Charlotte says it's a fancy way of saying hello.
4.In the beginning of capter 4 he was lony.
1.It means the word is by its self.
3.It means a greeting and another way of saying hello in a fancy way.
4. He feels sad and lonly because he didnt have any freinds but now he has a freind.
1.it means wihtout anything
3.salutaions are greeting and fancy ways of saying hellow
4.becuse he did not have any friends at the beagining but at the end he get to know ever one
1.it means with anything
1. The suffix less means less of something.
2. First Wilbur asked The goose but the had to keep the eggs warm. Then he asked the lamp but the lamp said no because i can not get over to your pen said "the lamp".Last he asked the rat named Templeton but Templeton said NO i do not know the meaning of the word play "said Templeton".
3. The word saltations means greatings of fancy way of saying hello or good morning to someone.
4. In chapter four his mood was gloomy and upset.His mood in chapter five was happy because he had friend named charlotte.
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