Thank you for visiting Ms. Lipsky's Third Grade Class Blog for the 2011-2012 school year.
You can reach Ms. Lipsky at

Homework Policy

The homework that goes home is more practice of the skills being taught in class. Students need to do this practice independently to reinforce what they worked on in class that day. Please go over your child's work with them to check for understanding. Homework should be completed by the child, homework done in someone else's handwriting will NOT be accepted. Please support your child's education by encouraging this extra practice at home. Thank you.


Following our five day schedule the reading homework packet will be sent home on Day 5, which will either be the day of the reading test or a review day. The homework will be due on the next Day 5.
The packet will consist of:

• weekly reading log (20 minutes a night)
• reading comprehension passage
• two spelling worksheets
• grammar worksheet

Reading Homework Packet due dates will always be listed on the calendar on the back of the monthly newsletter.


An assignment will come home every day, other than days that the class has taken a test. There will be an assignment to do over the weekend because it goes with that Friday’s lesson. Math homework is always due on the next school day.

Homework is accepted up to a week late for half credit. Please help your child develop a routine for getting their homework done. Remind them to do a little of the reading homework every afternoon, as well as read for 20 minutes.

Please support your child in getting their homework turned in on time. If there are any questions, please contact me or comment below.

Thank you,
Ms. Lipsky

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