The Pygmy Marmoset or Dwarf Monkey is a native to the rainforests of western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, and northern Bolivia. It is one of the smallest primates, and the smallest true monkey, with its body length ranging from 14 to 16 centimeters (not including the tail that can be 15 to 20 centimeters). Males weigh around 140 grams, and females only 120 grams.

This animal is a veterbrate. Beacaus it has a backbone.It is also very cute!
A verttebrate because it is a mammal,it have a backbone and it i cute and furry.
It is a vertabrit because it has a backbone.It has beautiful ies,hiar and vertibrits only have four legs.
Vertubaet it has a bsckbone to help move.
Vertarbrate it has a backbon it help it move and it is a mamal and there the same as us becus we are mamal and they have a nose and fingers like us. They are vertabrates.
it is a vertebrate because it has a backbone.they live in the junjul.
the mokey has a backbone in is small body is a verbrate and its a mammal.
The monkey is a vertebrate and it is a liveing thang.
The monkey is a vertebrate.Do you like monkey.
the world smallest monkey look cute if i ceen it I WOOD KEEP IT.IT IS A VERTABRATE
I know its avertebrate becaucse it a mammle a monkey
It is a vertebrate.Because it`s has a fur.
it is a verebrate. Because it has a backbone.
it is baucse avr mams have bake bos
this animal is a vertebrate because it has a back bone.
it is a vertebate becuse it haves fur and a backbone
You got that right Hannah it has a backbone that automatickly makes it a veterbrate
That is a small vertebrate. Hannah you are right it is cute.
You are all correct! It is a vertebrate because it has a backbone. It is also a mammal. You can tell because it has fur. No other vertebrates have fur. Nice job class!
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