The Thomas family made Sunkist Villa their home for 15 years. The large estate had 21 rooms and 12 fireplaces all made from terra cotta. We saw five of the fireplaces while we were there. In the 1920s Major Thomas decided to convert the home into a hotel. They added on another building, creating 94 guest rooms, three dining rooms, and four lounges for guests to enjoy.
The Thomas family sold the property in 1968, and its new owners leased it to Santa Fe Community College for seven years. The city of Gainesville purchased it in 1974 and it now houses art galleries, and government offices.
When we toured the Thomas Center the docent told us the stories that Margaret Thomas had told her about growing up there. We saw an example of a 1920s parlor, and got to hear a record play on an Edison phonograph. We saw a replica, or a copy, of Major Thomas's bedroom. We had to be careful walking around the Thomas Center because it had many antiques, such as an old telephone, typewriter, camera, binoculars, and a piano.
To help us play the role of early 1900s boys and girls, the boys got to try on collars, bow ties, and arm bands, and the girls enjoyed fanning themselves, wearing necklaces, and clutching hand bags.
We also went on a walking tour (or rather a scavenger hunt) of the historic neighborhood that surrounds the Thomas Center. Many of the homes on our tour were even older than the Thomas Center, built in the late 1800s. We saw and read about different examples of Victorian architecture, pillars, cross-gabled roofs, and colonial architecture. It was hot, but it was interesting!
We also went on a walking tour (or rather a scavenger hunt) of the historic neighborhood that surrounds the Thomas Center. Many of the homes on our tour were even older than the Thomas Center, built in the late 1800s. We saw and read about different examples of Victorian architecture, pillars, cross-gabled roofs, and colonial architecture. It was hot, but it was interesting!

After reading about our field trip comment with your answers to the following questions:
(Remember to go back and reread parts of the story to search for answers.)
1. What was the original name of the Thomas Center?
2. When was Margaret Thomas born?
3. How did the Thomas home change when it became a hotel?
4. What happened AFTER the Thomas Center was a hotel, but BEFORE it became a building with art galleries and government offices?
5. Why did we have to be careful while walking around the Thomas Center?
Hope you enjoyed the field trip and learning more about historic Gainesville!
My faortive part was that we get to cross street and look at old houses and one of them is my name! And we get to wear old unform.
we get to eat outside were ther where a fake dog and I a great time.
WE DID A GOOD JOB LOOKING AND LISTNING.BUT WE DIDN'T TALK QUIETLY WE WERE LOUD.I had fun at the trip.I'm glad that I came to the fun trip.I liked the houses that we saw I liked the thomas house because it had 11 fire places and alot of rooms.
my favartive part was that we get to find old house and dress in old close and eat lunch
1.sunkist villa
2.Febuary 9 1910
3They added on 94 guest rooms.
4 The new owners leased it to Santa Fe College.
5.because there were many antiqes like an old typewriter,an old telephone,camera,binoculars,and a piano.It was really fun.
1.sunkist villa
2. february 9
3.they added on another building was an home nothing wont fall
1. Sunkist villa
2. February9,1910
3. The Tomas family sold it.
4. The tomas sold a building in 1968.
5. We walked around the Thomas center carefully so we do not break anything and so we do not get in trouble.
1.Sunkikst villa.
3.They added on another building,creating 94 guest room,three dining room,four lounges for guests to enjoy.
4.It`s new owners leased it toSanta Fe Community College for seven years.
5.People are working.
IT was fun dressing up we was not loud.
1. sunkist villa
1. sunkist villa 2. february9,1910
3. they added on auther,creating 95 guest rooms ,3 dinning rooms,and longes for guests to injoy.
4. the sity of gansillve purchased it in 1968 it now
housesart is galleries.
antiques,such as a old tefellphone,type writer,camera ,binoculars,and a pino.
HEY,it is me dontrell I wanted to say hey. I am going to fifth grade so its my last year in Stephen foster elementary an I watched our slide show it almost made me cry. I miss being in you class you were awesome hope you like my message.:)
Hi Dontrell,
I miss you all, but am glad I get to see you around Foster for one more year. I'll be teaching 4th grade now. I think we'll be on the same hall. :)
Thank you for writing! Hope you're having a good summer!
Ms. Lipsky (now Mrs. Dreyer)
Hey, it's me Dontrell again and I'll be going to high-school this this year and i was just looking back on old times 😂 crazy to see how i've changed.
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