Thank you for visiting Ms. Lipsky's Third Grade Class Blog for the 2011-2012 school year.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Life Science

Hello Scientists!

We've been studying life science since school started. Soon, we'll begin Earth Science, but before that let's review the science topics we've learned about so far. Click on a topic to watch the Brain POP Jr. video. Then come back here and comment with something important that we all need to remember about life science!

username: alachuacounty
password: brainpop

Parts of a Plant


Niya said...

It is shaidy in the rainfors, rains, and people go there.

madrek said...

plants might bend to the light remenber plants need enegry,soil,water,air to grow. some plants will climb were is sun light. plants have gravity and heat plants can reporduce and observe the water to drink it and they are apart of the environment to remenber that.

demontrae said...

I learnd about witch animal has a backbone

kameren said...

Frogs are in dander .Of cors fogs are amfibins they oniy can live in fresh water they can not live in the ocean.